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About teresa

Teresa is the founder of Authenticity at Work, LLC focused on coaching at the intersection of career and mindset. Her coaching mission is to empower women to find their authentic selves, achieving true fulfillment with themselves and their work. She specializes in coaching early to mid-career women in the following areas: career transitions, promotions, work/life integration, self-confidence/speaking up, people pleasing, and perfectionism. Outside of coaching, Teresa is a program manager in Google Engineering. She works on people and product operations programs to improve Googlers' lived experiences at work. She coaches Googlers as part of her 20% time. Teresa is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and Gallup Strengths Coach. She holds a B.A. in Psychology, M.A. in Organizational Psychology, and Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. She is married with 2 sons and 2 dogs. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, learning, practicing self-care, and connecting with loved ones.


Irvine, CA

Teresa Mar
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