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Kim is a Leadership Coach and Facilitator empowering people to tap into their own inner wisdom, bravery and resiliency to transform themselves, their teams and their communities from the inside out. She expands awareness of leadership impact through exploring the embodiment of values and lived experiences with humility, curiosity and love. She is a third generation Japanese-Okinawan American who has navigated many cultural and gender challenges in both personal and professional settings, and now guides people from many and varied cultural backgrounds and industries in regenerative practices (letting go and cultivating) so they can cross the thresholds of transformation with confidence, courage and compassion. Her regenerative work is informed by the power of nature she experienced as an Outward Bound Leadership Development Instructor and a Wilderness Rites of Passage Apprentice Guide. Her embodiment work is informed through years of leading people through transforming their relationships with their bodies as an instructor of Pilates, Qi Gong, and intuitive movement exploration. She is a Certified Sedona Method of Letting Go Instructor, Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, and has completed Trauma-Informed Coach Training. To support clients in self-awareness and skill development she is also certified to offer assessments in Work Place Big 5 Personality Traits, FIRO-B, Influence Style Indicators, and the Conflict Dynamics Profile. She currently has a private coaching practice and also coaches with LEAP (Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics) and APAWLI (Asian Pacific American Leadership Institute). She is also an Adjunct Faculty for the Center for Creative Leadership and works with Mid-Senior level managers from Non-profits and Fortune 1000 companies.


Finding community that understands and embraces my Asian heritage and a safe space to "be" myself. I'm also interested in "paying it forward" to the next generation of coaches and leaders. As I stand on the shoulders of giants, as I embrace my elderhood, I want to elevate others as so many did for me.

Facts About Me:


CPCC; Sedona Method of Letting Go Instructor



Coaching since...







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