I’m at my best when I’ve “put my oxygen mask on first.”
Meet Judy, a productivity coach and author of the book, Perfect Enough, a guide for Asian-American women on breaking free of perfectionism.
We asked Judy a few questions to learn more about her approach to life & coaching.
Q: What were some childhood moments that shaped you into who you are today?
A: In ninth grade, I brought home my report card for my dad to sign. I handed it to him. He frowned as he glanced at the report: “Why is this an A-minus and not an A-plus?” In that moment I realized that I was never going to be good enough in his eyes. That no matter how much I performed, I would come up short. Hence perfectionism was my coping strategy for feelings of inadequacy. Gradually in my 30s and 40s, I learned to appreciate my self-worth, through therapy, caring friends, and a supportive husband. Out of these experiences, I’ve written a book Perfect Enough, a guide for Asian American women on breaking free of perfectionism. The book will be published by New Degree Press this September.
Q: How did you decide that you wanted to become a coach?
A: Five years ago my friend Alison asked me to be her accountability partner. I said yes, and I’ve been hooked ever since.
Q: What do you know now that you wish you would have known when you were younger?
A: Be bold! Don’t let concerns about what others think stop you from taking risks; no one’s thinking about you as much as you think.
Q: What are the top 1-2 books/podcasts that inspired you in the past 12 months?
A: The Asian American Achievement Paradox by Jennifer Lee and Min Zhou. The book does an excellent job of shattering the model minority myth once and for all. Radical Candor: Be A Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Kim Scott is a book every manager must read.
Q: What's your morning routine to start a productive day?
A: I usually get up at 7:30. I stretch a bit in bed, then say “I love you” to myself. After a shower, I meditate for 20 minutes. Then attend a daily 30-minute group phone session hosted by the Zen monastery I take classes from. Breakfast is usually miso soup, leftovers from last night, or toast with PBJ. My husband and I make the bed together and chat about our upcoming day. I’m at my best when I’ve “put my oxygen mask on first.”
Connect with Judy Dang via LinkedIn.
