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Meet Teresa Mar

Now I coach people-pleasers and perfectionists as my niche. I wouldn’t have been able to coach this niche without going through this myself and coming out transformed on the other side. It’s true that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Meet Teresa Mar. Teresa coaches at the intersection of career and mindset and is the founder of Authenticity at Work, LLC. Teresa is also a founding AWCC member. Her coaching mission is to empower women to find their authentic selves, achieving true fulfillment with themselves and their work.

We asked Teresa a few questions to learn more about her approach to life & coaching.

Q. What were some childhood moments that shaped you into who you are today?

A. I didn’t have a great childhood and I coped with that by developing extreme people-pleasing and perfectionism. That eventually hurt me as an adult climbing the corporate ladder and led to a profound spiritual awakening. I spent a few years unpacking my trauma and recovering from people-pleasing and perfectionism. Now I coach people-pleasers and perfectionists as my niche. I wouldn’t have been able to coach this niche without going through this myself and coming out transformed on the other side. It’s true that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Q. How did you decide that you wanted to become a coach?

A. One of our fellow AWCC coaches, Yon Na, was my coach and suggested I could also become a coach based on my interests and strengths. I’ve been so grateful for her insight because coaching is my true passion. I had been searching for 10 years as to what I’m meant to do and now I’ve found it.

Q. What do you know now that you wish you would have known when you were younger?

A. What motivates you to keep going when the going gets tough?

I know there is someone out there that needs the message and support that only I can provide with my unique perspective. When it gets tough, the possibility of changing someone’s life for the better keeps me going.

Q. What are the top 1-2 books/podcasts that inspired you in the past 12 months?

A. Mindsight by Daniel Siegel; it’s a book on thinking about thinking. It approaches mindset from the perspective of how the brain operates. A great takeaway is that “neurons that wire together, fire together.” We have the power of neuroplasticity to change our neurological wiring if we put in the work; so inspiring!

Connect with Teresa Mar on LinkedIn.

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